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HealthyGaming Workshops

In order to facilitate safe spaces for those who are most exposed while playing games, and for parents who are concerned about their children’s video gaming habits, we arrange workshops with different strategic partners to teach hands-on skills and equip those individuals with new methods and knowledge to overcome any health-related challenges faced because of the environments either they, or their kids play video games in.

For Women in Gaming

A majority of women who engage in gaming, and in particular in multiplayer games face multiple challenges every day because of their gender.
We arrange workshops with both experts on the topics, and psychologists experienced in treating women to support those facing the following issues: 

  • Gender-based Discrimination.
  • Cyberbullying.
  • Sexual Harassment, Abuse & Violent Messages.
  • Toxicity: Gatekeeping, Patronizing & Dismissiveness. 
  • Other mental health issues caused by the behavior of other gamers.
We support all women whos mental health either is impacted,  or those who are worried about the impact gaming will have on their mental health.

For Concerned Parents

Parents often see their children spend hours after hours playing games, but is it something they need to be concerned about & take actions dealing with?
Alongside discussions with our psychologists, we also dive deeper into the following aspects to help parents dive deeper into gaming & its related risks:

  • About gaming and its advantages.
  • The downsides & risks of gaming, and how we & our partners mitigate it.
  • About Gaming Disorder and how it develops over a longer period of time. 
  • What you can do as a parent to help your child.
  • And much more…

Each Workshop begins with a mingle where you will meet parents facing, or who have faced similar challenges, and ends with a post-seminar Q&A.

Interested in becoming a strategic partner in doing these workshops?