Privacy Policy

About the information we collect

In order to ensure the safety of our users and provide the best possible services, we collect and store certain information about our users.

When your account is registered upon purchasing the Program (“Become Psychologically Flexible”), additional information is collected from the buyer in order for us to enable your program access, and the access to certain other features which only are available when signed in on our website.

When you access and use our services, we store information about the device you’re using and the IP address you are accessing our services from. Once you have signed in, you have the possibility to upload specific information, such as Billing information & Shipping address used by default on the checkout page. This information is optional to upload and store, and can also be removed by yourself on your Account page, or by authorized staff upon request.

When you use our Program, you have the option to use specific features in our Program where you may enter information in free text fields. This data is stored separately from the billing information of the buyer and is only accessible to authorized staff. We reserve the rights to anonymize this data and then use the data gathered through our Program and related features for product development, marketing, research, studies, and other academic purposes.

We have taken various actions to guarantee the safety of the information we collect and store, including but not limited to encrypting the information in a private space, and requiring additional authorization to access this private space containing the information.

Third Party Links

When using our website and services, you may be exposed to third-party links through certain pages provided with our services. An example of a page which may expose you to such links is the page about Research, where we have added links to some of the resources we have used to research our methodology and developed approach.

We do not control the data and information which may be collected when entering any third-party websites, and we cannot guarantee the security and protection of your data when entering such websites. We encourage you to act and reach out if you see a link which may cause harm to the privacy of our users, and we encourage you to thoroughly review the privacy policy of any and all third-party websites you visit, or third-party services you use.

Service Providers

We use a few third-party services to help operate and provide our services. An example of third-party services we use in order to have an understanding of the usage of our services is Google Analytics. We reserve the right to use your personal data with such service providers.

When placing an order of our Program, we use third-party service providers to process payments. In order to deliver our services, and detect and prevent fraud and other illegal activities, we share your (the “Buyers”) payment information with those service providers accordingly. Your personal data may also be shared to facilitate dispute resolutions such as refunds and chargebacks, and for other purposes relating to the payment method used, such as the acceptance of debit and credit cards if the payment was completed using a card.

Legal Compliance

As we prioritize the safety of our users, if we have good reason to suspect that a user of ours is violating a law or regulation, or is endangering the safety of other users of our services, we reserve the right to preserve, use and disclose your personal information with relevant legal authorities in order to protect the safety of our users and the services we provide.


We use cookies to collect data about the website usage, and to operate and optimize our services.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, though most browsers have the option to decline cookies or alert you before cookies are accepted. If you disable cookies or use a browser which does not support any tracking or cookies, we are unable to guarantee proper functionality of each and all of the services we provide.

Age Requirement

Our website is directed to those above the age of 13.

If we learn that a minor below the age of 13, or a person who is not old enough to consent to the processing of personal data are using our services and submit their personal data, we will take immediate action and delete the information. If this person is accessing the services at the authorization of a third-party buyer who is an authorized health care provider in their country of origin or registration, we may use the personal information submitted by the third-party buyer to confirm this authorization.

Individuals below the age of 13 are strictly prohibited to purchase any products and services which may be directly purchased through this website. Any Digital Treatment Program access to individuals below the age of 13 must be prescribed by a licensed psychologist with the approval of a legal guardian and any purchases completed without such consent will immediately be refunded with access to the product or service immediately removed.

Privacy Requests & Exercising your rights

If you are an individual citizen of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), you are covered by The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) which gives you the right of access and a right to be forgotten.

If you want to exercise your right to have your personal information deleted, or want to learn more about the information we have and withdraw the consent you have given us, you have the right to request this by submitting a Subject Access Request (SAR) using the Contact Information provided below to reach our Data Protection Officer. We will reply to and handle these requests within 30 days from the date of receiving. Please note that no data will be deleted unless an SAR is submitted requesting us to delete the data.

All data gathered is processed in accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “PDPO”) as applicable in Hong Kong S.A.R. and any inquiries in regards to Privacy Requests under the PDPO shall be submitted to the details listed below by letter/post or by email.

By letter/post:

HealthyGaming Limited
Flat/RM 1804, 18/F Office Plus
93-103 Wing Lok Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

By email:

Privacy Policy Changes & Updates

This Privacy Policy may be revised and edited from time to time. We will do our best to notify our users of changes to it one way or another (as an example per email, or on this page) and the most current version will always be available on our website. By using our services after the effective date, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

Effective Date: January 30, 2024.